Syposium Socio-cultural and Human Values in Science and Technology Education in Bled Slovenia

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ho ricevuto questo interessante invito e ve lo mando, se qualcuno potrebbe essere interessato di partecipare.

Dear Colleague,

Please find attached the second Call for Papers for the XIV Symposium
of the International Organization for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE).
XIV IOSTE symposium 2010- Invitation leaflet.pdf,
The main theme of this symposium is: “Socio-cultural and Human Values in Science and Technology Education”.

You can visit our website at and see the submission details.

Please forward this email to others you think will be interested in attending IOSTE XIV, and I hope you will be able to join us in beautiful Slovenia next June.

Let us remind you that the deadline for the Proposal submission is extended till December 20, 2009!

Kind Regards!

prof. dr. Slavko Dolinšek
Institute for Innovation and Development of University of Ljubljana
Kongresni trg 12

1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe

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Commento da Elvira Luin su 22 dicembre 2009 a 14:31
Vi comunico che la data per i speaker nel sipmosium e aperta fino al 10.01.2010.

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